Vanaf morgen TWEE nieuwe gastbloggers. Ja, niet één, maar twee! En daarbij: This WebLog Goes International! Toen ik in september in Berlijn was, bij het literatuurfestival, ontmoette ik daar Violeta, een van de organisatrices. We spraken veel, en ze liet me de interessante wijken zien. Nu zal zij, samen met haar beste vriend Tobias, twee weken lang hier posts verzorgen.
Tobias and Violeta, welcome... I am so glad that both of you said yes to the peculiar request of being my very first international guestbloggers!
Tobias en Violeta stellen zichzelf hieronder even voor!
Goeiedag and Hallo!
We are two students from Berlin, Violeta (25) and Tobias (26).
We have been living here for almost six years now, at the moment in the nice district „Prenzlauer Berg“. (At daytime the streets are full of Buggies and in the night the bars are crowded. Surprisingly not that night in September of 2006 when Edward wanted to see Prenzlauer Berg but most of the time...)
We went to school together, became close friends and are starting now as Edward’s first German guestbloggers. About what we like and what we are doing when we are not studying (Philosophy resp. Literature), we will write in the next couple of weeks. It is our first guestbloggership and we hope you enjoy our hopefully not too lame contents.Violeta´s rather tired appearance on the photos is caused by a lack of daylight in the last week: 29 movies during the filmfestival Berlinale have left their marks... Tobias only saw a few movies, among them the great German contribution to the competition: „Yella“. The main actress, the impressive Nina Hoss, won the Silver Bear (see picture).
Instead of sitting in the dark Tobias read „Moby Dick“ for the first time and discovered some new music - here’s his music tip of the day: MONTA: The brilliant masses...
Back again tomorrow!